15 S.T.E.A.M. Challenges Your Homeschooler Will Want to do Again and Again!

Need some inspiration to spark your child’s curiosity in S.T.E.A.M. Subjects?

15 S.T.E.A.M. Challenges Your Homeschooler Will Want to do Again and Again!

Need some inspiration to spark your child’s curiosity in S.T.E.A.M. Subjects? Want a simple way to make S.T.E.A.M curriculum requirements a breeze and spark curiosity for your homeschoolers at all ages? Roll out the household items and craft materials. Here are 15 amazing S.T.E.A.M. ideas to challenge your homeschoolers:

1.Egg Drop Challenge: Have your students build a structure that will protect an egg from cracking with dropped. Allow them to compete to see which qualities of each structured held up well and which didn’t. Take notes on a chart to reflect on what was learned. Compare your children’s predictions with the project outcomes. Celebrate their hard work at the end of the challenge!

2.Catapult Craze: Build a miniature catapult to launch small items. Gather popsicle sticks, wrap with rubber bands to create tension and have a blast! For a tutorial course on how to build this catapult and 3 other S.T.E.A.M projects, check out my course Super Spanish Create 1 here.

3.Solar-Powered Creations: To challenge a more andvanced skillset, allow your older children to create solar powered devices. Have them research solar power and its benefits. Build small cars or solar-powered mini robots.

4.Mystery Chemical Reactions: Organize a chemical reaction challenge using only safe chemicals and household items. Help get the conversations going by modeling how to observe, change elements, and reflect on each reaction test.

5.Paper Bridge Challenge: A classic crowd-pleasing activity, build paper bridges using only paper and tape. Compete to see how may light times can be placed on top of each bridge before it falls.

6.Create sculptures with recycled elements: paper towel rolls, empty margarine tubs, and old keys. Have a “Recycled Art” Showcase to highlight your students’ amazing talents!

7.DIY Wind Turbine: Study wind energy by designing and building wind turbines. What a great way to spend a windy day!

8.Mathematical Art: Use geometric shapes to create art. Design animals or space creatures and name them!

9.Astronomy Night: Take time to go stargazing! Discuss constellations, night sky navigation and any other related topics that your children may inquire about.

10.Golf Ball Maze: Have your children create a maze using paper towel rolls, drinking straws, cardboard box tops and tape. Add in a golf ball to roll through the maze. Time each maze to see how fast they can be completed. Discuss your observations about speed, obstacles, and other details that helped complete each maze.

11.Edible Science Experiments: Take learning into the kitchen by creating edible rock candy. Explore different flavors and colors. Package them up to give as gifts to friends and family.

12.Recycled Fashion: Have your children think creatively about how to create fashion from recycled materials. Hats, shoes, bow ties, jewelry can all be highlighted! Host a fashion show and invite friends and family to attend.

13.Hydroponic Garden. Study the science of hydroponics and plant a miniature garden. Explore different plants and different ways to construct the garden to teach how things can grow without soil.

14. Marble Run Madness: Get their engines revving with a mega marble run. Gather household materials, plan intricate design and let the fun begin!

15. Get Musical: Build musical instruments from items around the house. Explore various sizes, dimensions, textures and volumes. Write a short song that you can sing together!

*Bonus: *Escape Room: Create a custom family escape room of math problems! Think of math problems to solve, create a scavenger hunt of clues, and add your family’s unique touch (birthdays, favorite vacation spots, family traditions, etc.)

With these 15 + challenge ideas, your homeschool S.T.E.A.M. lessons will have the potential to inspire discussion and creative thinking for hours on end.

Super Spanish: Create 2

Categories: : activities, kids, Science, stem