God's Army of Youth

Finally, this website is launched as we add new classes every day! I'm offering a free class this Saturday about putting on the whole armor of God.

This got me thinking about how our main goal at Teach Me Truth is to arm our children to go out into the world prepared to go against the status quo. "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrews as snakes and as innocent as doves" Matthew 10:16 When our students are prepared, they will be like God's mighty and unstoppable army. They will be able to defend the truth of God with logic, facts, history and science without falling into the traps of our culture. Sadly, even when raised with a strong Christian upbringing, children are statistically turning away from God when faced with differing view points in media, high school, college and the world around us. One of the best ways we can arm our children, is with apologetics. The earlier we start - the better!