Book Study: Charlotte's Web

6-Week Novel Study with Video Lessons, Vocabulary & Reading Comprehension, Book Project Choice Boards & Discussions (Grades 3-5)

Course Summary

In this self-paced book study, your upper elementary learner will read the book "Charlotte's Web" and learn about different reading comprehension strategies, focus on vocabulary development, and enjoy a great book!

Each week students have access to:
a pre-recorded lesson video
printable OR digital vocabulary pages
a book project choice board
a discussion question

Week 1:  There is a focus on story elements & predictions, and the author of the book.
Reading: Chapters 1-4

Week 2:  The focus is on visualizing the text as a reading strategy.
Reading: Chapters 5-8

Week 3:  Students will learn to make connections to the text as a reading strategy.
Reading: Chapters 9-12

Week 4:  Students will make inferences in the story as a reading strategy.
Reading: Chapters13-16

Week 5:  Students will learn questioning strategies while reading the text.
Reading: Chapters 17-20

Week 6:  The focus is on summarizing the text.
Reading: Chapters 21-22

Students will need to obtain a copy of the book.  They can use a print copy, an e-book copy, or an audio book!

Course Curriculum

Course Pricing

Book Study

$14 USD

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Danna Rodebush

Danna Rodebush is a former elementary classroom teacher and the founder of Teacher Tech Studio and Southern Schoolhouse, the creator of Math Simplified, and the host of the Upper Elementary Simplified podcast. She helps upper elementary students comprehend math concepts through student engagement and structured teaching strategies.